A Practical Guide to Water Softeners for Rural and Small-Town Living

July 26, 2023

Water plays a vital role in all aspects of our lives. It’s not just about quenching thirst. It’s also integral for various daily activities, from cleaning and cooking to gardening. However, not all water is created equal. For those living in rural areas and small towns, hard water, which is rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, can be a common concern. This is particularly prevalent for those relying on well water or small municipal water supplies.

Hard water is more than just an inconvenience. It can cause issues with irrigation systems, interfere with the effectiveness of soaps and detergents, damage your household appliances, and even affect the health of your livestock and crops. That’s where water softeners come in. These devices reduce the mineral content in your water, converting hard water into soft water, which is more beneficial for your everyday needs.

What Is Hard Water?

Water, in its purest form, is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless liquid. However, when it moves through soil and rock, it can dissolve very small amounts of minerals and hold them in solution. Calcium and magnesium, in particular, are the most common minerals that make water “hard.”

Hard water, in simple terms, is water that has a high mineral content. If your water leaves spots on your dishes, makes your clothes feel less soft after washing, or forms a white crust on your faucets and appliances, these are some signs you might be dealing with hard water.

Living in rural and small-town areas often means relying on well water or a small municipal water supply. These sources of water are typically groundwater, which is often hard because it makes direct contact with the earth’s crust and can easily pick up minerals from the soil and rocks.

Hard water isn’t a health risk per se. In fact, the minerals in it contribute to your daily dietary needs. However, the problems associated with hard water are more of an inconvenience and could lead to inefficiency in household chores and farming tasks.

It can cause a buildup of mineral deposits, also known as scale, in your pipes and appliances, leading to inefficiency and damage over time. When used for irrigation, hard water can affect the pH balance of the soil and interfere with the absorption of nutrients by crops. For households, hard water can make your clothes feel scratchy and look dull, leave spots on your dishes, and cause soap to be less effective due to reduced lathering.

Recognizing and Testing for Hard Water

close up of water dripping from dirty tap

Knowing if you have hard water is the first step toward improving your water quality. Although lab testing is the most definitive way to determine water hardness, several signs can alert you to the presence of hard water. Here are some common signs of hard water:

Signs of Hard Water

Recognizing hard water can be as simple as observing your everyday water-related activities. Here are some signs you might have hard water:

  • Residue on dishes: After washing your dishes, do you notice white spots, streaks, or a cloudy appearance? This is often due to mineral deposits from hard water.
  • Film on glass shower doors: If a thin, white film appears on your shower doors or tiles, this is another indicator of hard water.
  • Laundry feels hard and looks dull: Hard water can make your clothes feel rough and look less vibrant. You might also notice they wear out faster.
  • Skin and hair feel dry: Hard water can leave a film on your skin and hair, making them feel dry and itchy.
  • Plumbing issues: Frequent clogs, reduced water flow, and increased soap scum can all be symptoms of hard water.

Testing for Hard Water

To confirm if you have hard water, consider conducting a water test. You can use a DIY test kit that you can purchase from a home improvement store or online. This usually involves collecting a water sample in a test tube and adding a solution that changes color based on the hardness of the water.

For a more comprehensive analysis, consider hiring a professional water testing service. They can provide a detailed report on your water’s mineral content and suggest the best treatment options.

How Water Softeners Work

If you’ve found that your water is hard, don’t worry. Water softening is a tried and tested solution that can help. But how does it work? The process involves some straightforward but effective chemistry.

Ion Exchange Process

The central process in a water softener is ion exchange, a chemical reaction where unwanted hard ions in your water supply (specifically calcium and magnesium) are swapped out for softer ions. The most common replacements are sodium or potassium ions.

Inside a water softener, you’ll find a tank filled with small, negatively charged resin beads. As hard water flows into this tank, the calcium and magnesium ions, which carry a positive charge, are attracted to the beads. The sodium or potassium ions, also positively charged, attached to the resin beads, are displaced and released into the water.

The result is softened water, with significantly lower levels of calcium and magnesium, flowing out of the tank and into your household water supply.


Over time, the resin beads are saturated with calcium and magnesium ions and must be regenerated or recharged. This is when the function of the brine tank in a water softener becomes critical. The brine tank holds a salt solution, which is passed through the resin tank during the regeneration process.

The high concentration of potassium or sodium ions in the brine solution takes the place of the calcium and magnesium ions that have accumulated on the resin beads, effectively recharging them. The hard ions and excess brine are then flushed out of the system and into a drain.

Control Valve and Timer

A key component in the water softener system is the control valve, which determines when it’s time for the regeneration process to take place. Some systems use an electric timer that initiates regeneration at set intervals. Others might use a computer that calculates bead depletion based on water usage and initiates regeneration when needed.

Choosing the Right Water Softener

Choosing the correct water softener for your needs can feel like a daunting task, with the multitude of options available. But with a bit of knowledge and understanding, the process can be simplified. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the right water softener for rural or small-town living:

  • Water Hardness Level: The hardness level in your water will largely determine the kind of water softener you need. Test your water to find out the hardness level. This information will help you find a softener to handle your water’s mineral content.
  • Household Water Demand: Evaluate your water usage. How many people are in your household? Do you have a large farm that requires significant water? The more water you use, the larger capacity water softener you’ll need.
  • Type of Water Softener: Salt-based ion exchange softeners are the most common and effective at removing hardness. However, if sodium intake is a concern, consider a potassium-charged softener. Salt-free water conditioners are another option, especially if your water is only slightly hard or if you’re concerned about water waste, as these systems do not need to regenerate.
  • Regeneration Style: Some softeners are timer regenerated, meaning they regenerate at a set time, while others are meter regenerated, meaning they regenerate based on water usage. Meter-regenerated softeners are typically more efficient as they only regenerate when necessary.
  • Installation and Maintenance: Some water softeners are easier to install and maintain than others. If you’re planning to install and maintain the unit yourself, look for a model that is user-friendly. Otherwise, consider the cost of professional installation and maintenance.
  • Budget: Finally, consider your budget. The cost of water softeners can vary widely based on their type, size, features, and brand. Remember to factor in the cost of installation, maintenance, and the ongoing cost of salt or other consumables.

Product Overview: SureSoft Water Softener Salts

SureSoft is well-known for producing high-quality water softener salts. These salts play an essential role in your water softener system, as they are used in the regeneration process to recharge the resin beads. To aid in your selection process, let’s take a closer look at three different SureSoft products available at Wilco Farm Stores: Extra Coarse Salt, PelletsPlus with Resin Cleaner, and PelletsPlus with Rust Buster.

  • Extra Coarse Salt: This product features larger, coarse salt crystals ideal for some water-softening systems, especially those in areas with very hard water. The extra coarse salt dissolves slowly and lasts longer, making it a cost-effective choice for larger households or higher levels of water hardness.

Water Softener Extra Coarse Salt, 40 lb

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  • PelletsPlus with Resin Cleaner: In addition to softening your water, these pellets contain a resin cleaner to help maintain the performance and longevity of your water-softening system. The resin cleaner works to remove any build-up on the resin beads, ensuring that your system remains effective and efficient over time.

Water Softener Pellets Plus, 40 lb

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  • PelletsPlus with Rust Buster: If you have iron in your water, an issue that may be associated with well water, this product is designed for you. These pellets not only soften your water but also contain an additive to help remove iron, reducing rust stains in your bathroom and kitchen.

Sure Soft, Water Softener Pellets with Rust Buster, 40 lb

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Benefits of Water Softening

Investing in a water softener for your rural or small-town home can bring a multitude of benefits, some of which you may start to notice immediately and others that will make a significant impact over the long term. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

  • Improved Water Quality: The most immediate and noticeable benefit of water softening is improved water quality. Soft water feels better on the skin and hair, makes laundry softer and brighter, and eliminates scale build-up on dishes and kitchenware.
  • Enhanced Appliance Efficiency: Hard water can lead to mineral build-up in appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, and coffee makers, causing them to run less efficiently and even shortening their lifespan. Soft water prevents this build-up, helping your appliances run better and last longer.
  • Plumbing System Preservation: Just as with your appliances, the pipes in your home can also suffer from mineral build-up caused by hard water. Over time, this build-up can reduce water flow and cause clogs. Soft water can help to extend the life of your home’s plumbing system.
  • Savings on Soap and Detergents: Soft water lathers more easily with soap, meaning you’ll need less to get your clothes, dishes, and even your body clean. This can add up to significant savings on your grocery bills over time.

    SUPER IRON OUT IO65N Rust Stain Remover, 5 lb Bottle

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  • Improved Farming Operations: For those in rural areas, soft water can have a significant impact on farming operations. Hard water can affect the pH balance of the soil and interfere with the absorption of nutrients by crops. Soft water can enhance the effectiveness of your irrigation system and improve the health and yield of your crops.

Taking Charge of Your Water Quality

water flowing from tap

Rural and small-town living often presents the challenge of hard water, affecting daily life, appliances, plumbing, and even farming operations. Fortunately, water-softening systems offer a practical solution. Choosing the right system, while seemingly complex, can be simplified by understanding your water hardness, water demand, and budget.

Investing in a water softener provides many benefits, from improved water quality to more efficient farming. Ultimately, adopting a water-softening system isn’t just about practical benefits; it’s about improving your quality of life and contributing to a healthier working environment.
